Сотрудник подразделения
- 12Nabiullina R.D., Starovoytov A.A., Gladskikh I.A. Optical properties of molecular layer of cyanine dye coated on Ag or Au island film // Optical and Quantum Electronics - 2020, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 43 [IF: 1.055]
подробнее >> - 11Nabiullina R.D., Starovoytov A.A., Gladskikh I.A., Dadadzhanov D.R. Optical properties of hybrid films of inhomogeneous ensemble of gold nanoparticles coated by cyanine J-aggregates // Proceedings of SPIE - 2020, Vol. 11291, pp. 1129113 [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 10Nabiullina R.D., Starovoytov A.A., Gladskikh I.A., Toropov N.A. Optical properties of hybrid film depending on overlap of the nanoparticle plasmon resonance and J-aggregate band of cyanine dye // Proceedings of SPIE - 2020, Vol. 11345, pp. 113452O [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 9Kniazev K.I., Yakunenkov R.E., Zulina N.A., Fokina M.I., Nabiullina R.D. Rhodamine-B absorption and fluorescence enhancement in the near field of gold nanoparticles in an acrylate-based polymer matrix // Journal of Optical Technology - 2019, Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 21-24 [IF: 0.299, SJR: 0.167]
подробнее >> - 8Nabiullina R.D., Starovoytov A.A., Gladskikh I.A. Plasmon-exciton coupling in a hybrid films of metallic nanoparticles and J-aggregates of cyanine dyes // NANOCON 2018 - Conference Proceedings, 10th Anniversary International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application - 2019, pp. 73-77
подробнее >> - 7Nabiullina R.D., Starovoytov A.A., Gladskikh I.A., Vartanyan T.A. Optical properties of molecular clusters of cyanine dyes on Ag and Au island films // Proceedings of SPIE - 2019, Vol. 11025, pp. 1102516 [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 6Торопов Н.А., Камалиева А.Н., Набиуллина Р.Д. Резонансное и нерезонансное взаимодействие полупроводниковых нанокристаллов с локализованными плазмонами [Resonant and non-resonant interaction of semiconductor nanocrystals with localized plasmons] // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics] - 2019. - Т. 19. - № 2(120). - С. 189-195 [SJR: 0.151]
подробнее >> - 5Kniazev K.I., Yakunenkov R.E., Zulina N.A., Fokina M.I., Nabiullina R.D., Toropov N.A. The Effect of Localized Plasmons in Silver and Gold Thin Films on the Optical Properties of Organic Dyes in an Acrylate Polymer Matrix // Optics and spectroscopy - 2018, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 578-581 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 4Starovoytov A.A., Nabiullina R.D., Gladskih I.A., Polischuk V.A., Parfenov P.S., Kamalieva A.N. Plasmon-exciton interaction in the thin film of inhomogeneous ensemble of silver nanoparticles and cyanine J-aggregates // Proceedings of SPIE - 2018, Vol. 10672, pp. 106723O [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 3Князев К.И., Якуненков Р.Е., Вирц Н.А., Фокина М.И., Набиуллина Р.Д., Торопов Н.А. Влияние локализованных плазмонов в тонких пленках серебра и золота на оптические свойства органических красителей в акрилатной полимерной матрице // Оптика и спектроскопия - 2018. - Т. 125. - № 4. - С. 556-559 [IF: 0.484]
подробнее >> - 2Nabiullina R.D., Starovoitov A.A., Toropov N.A. Optical properties and photoinduced aggregation of cyanine dyes on silver island films // Journal of Optical Technology - 2017, Vol. 84, No. 7, pp. 453-458 [IF: 0.299, SJR: 0.167]
подробнее >> - 1Starovoytov A.A., Nabiullina R.D., Toropov N.A. Self-organization and photo-induced formation of cyanine dye aggregates on the plasmonic Ag nanoparticles // Proceedings of SPIE - 2016, Vol. 9884, pp. 98843P [SJR: 0.152]
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